Thursday 15 October 2009

Radio Jinlge Evaluation

Station ident
I think that the news jingle I created as part of my radio jingle assignment wasn’t as good as it could have been. I think this was mainly due to the fact that I started to run out of time at the end and rushed it quite a lot. I put the background song into the sound booth, and I recorded the vocals that I was going to use, then I put the vocals over the top of the music and adjusted the volume where I thought appropriate in order to stop the voices from the song clashing with my voice. The ending of my news jingle I thought was quite abrupt. I did adjust the volume towards the end in order to have the music fade out, but I don’t think I lowered the volume enough as it still came out as quite a hard ending.
News jingle
I think that my News jingle ended up working together quite well. I took the introduction to a song and I cut it out from the rest, and I copied it so that it carried on for longer than it was originally. The hardest part I found was trying to cut together the different parts of the intro to run together smoothly, which meant making sure I cut them at the right point in order to avoid a sudden jump which I had when I originally cut out the pieces. Then I recorded my voice and overlapped it with the music. I adjusted the background song because there was a bit of a gap in the music that I used as the background music, so I decided this was be a good place to put the dialogue so that it did not conflict with the loud background music. Though the gaps in the song were not as long as the pieces of dialogue I wanted to use for my piece, so I had to adjust the volumes a bit so that there was a very quick fade in when I started the dialogue and a very quick fade out after I had finished my dialogue. I also put a fade on the end of the song as to avoid an abrupt ending so it was a bit softer.

Radio promo
For my radio promo I used a total of 12 different songs, and I cut out the pieces of the songs that I thought would work the best. The first thing I did was edit all these together so that they ran together smoothly without sounding strange as you changed from one song to another. I did this by adjust the volume so that every song faded out at the end and faded in at the beginning, but then I was left with small silences between the song changes that I didn’t think sounded quite right, so I solved this problem by adding in small sound effects as the songs changed to mask this. Once I had the background soundtrack that I intended on using all edited together, I recorded the dialogue I wanted to use, and then I had to find a way to work the dialogue into the music that I had edited already. I did this by adjusting the volume on some of the songs in order to stop the vocals from the songs clashing with the recorded dialogue.

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